- Other Kosher food- Any food that is not meat or dairy, including fish, eggs is known as plant-based foods. Plant based food contains grains, nuts and seeds.
- Baked bread and grains- Bread is also popular food among Jewish people. Grains are considered Kosher and they use grains to bake the bread. But during the baking process some other ingredients like oil, enzymes are also used and that’s why not all the breads are Kosher. As per norms, during the baking all ingredient and equipment should be Kosher and then only the bread can be certified as Kosher.
Seed, oil and nuts- If any nut or seed is consumed in its natural form then it is Kosher. But if they’ve been processed, they have to be certified Kosher. During the processing guidelines of Kosher food must be followed. Oil is Kosher if it is extracted directly from seed or nut and kept without preservatives. But if the preservatives being used in oil then it must fulfil