Benefits of Kosher Certificate
The demand for kosher products that have been authorized has skyrocketed. Over the last few years, sales of kosher-certified products have increased at a 15% yearly rate. According to recent market research, 'Kosher' was the most commonly used claim on new products launched in the United States, outnumbering both 'All Natural' and 'No Additives or Preservatives.'
In fact, outside of the Jewish "traditional" market, almost 80% of all kosher food sales are made. More than 400,000+ products are normally certified kosher, and customers spend more than $100 billion on them each year. For millions of consumers, the Kosher mark has come to represent accountability, quality, and food safety.
a. Market expansion will result from certification.
b. Customers will gain trust as a result of certification.
c. Certification will increase the organization's demand.